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Common Misconceptions About Sound Healing (Sound Alchemy)

August 14, 2024

Where Does Sound Healing Originate From?

Sound healing is NOT new age spirituality. It originates from Greece, Africa, Tibet, China, India, Latin America and Europe. So many cultures understand that importance of sound and its affect on our mind, body and soul. In ancient cathedrals the structure of the buildings depicted several cymatic patterns inside and out of the building. Cymatic patterns are the structures of sound. For example, you have a cup of water, you tap the table it's on then the water "ripples"- to the human eye. Looking closer at the structure of the water molecules; they create a pattern that isn't as noticeable to the human eye. The vibration that formed in the water is a cymatic pattern. Think of snowflakes, so pretty and defined. Perfect symmetry yet none of the snowflakes are the same and each came from a form of mass.

Sound healing is as much medicine as it is science. Once we understand that, then we can unravel the common misconceptions that have formed over the years. In the medieval times women dancing in the forest, being in tune with nature was considered witchcraft. Anyone- mostly women doing something that was different than the crowd was considered a witch. More specifically, women accused of witchcraft were poor, elderly, widowed, or single, and their only source of power was their supposed ability to perform witchcraft. This made them seem more likely to have given in to the Devil's temptations for wealth and power. Also, the Catholic church believed that women were more vulnerable to the Devil's temptations than men because they were less educated and had more "passions".

Really? Like this is what y'all call witches? Moving forward 1487–1669, the book Malleus Maleficarum was published nearly 30 times throughout Europe, helping to transform the public perception of witchcraft from harmless to demonic. The book characterized witches as evil women, an image that has survived to the present day. Wow, the power European men have had over women that has shaped our society, right? Well let's keep exploring through the Salem witch trials.. The Salem witch trials are considered one of colonial America's most notorious cases of mass hysteria. The haphazard way the trials were conducted led to changes in U.S. court procedures, including the presumption of innocence and the right to legal representation.

We could really go down the rabbit hole about how past history, assumptions, misinterpretations and mistreatment made its way right into our government which DIRECTLY affects our churches. Majority of them are government funded, right? RIGHT. So, onward we go to speak about the split of churches? Christianity has many denominations because of different interpretations of sacred texts, doctrinal positions, and personal preferences. All of which has a role in what is perceived as demonic. Cathedrals were erected to be healing centers. The cymatic patterns on the buildings, stone windows and large gathering spaces were for people to come praise and worship with the frequencies transmuting back healing frequencies. People didn't sit down and only listen to someone preach. They prayed and meditated together which sometimes meant laying down, sitting or bowing.

You see, perception is a real problem. Perception has the ability for us to see one thing at one angle and other things at another angle. I always encourage people to get in connection with God himself. Stop putting all of your faith and works into other entities when you don't know what dwells within them. Find your own connection with God and act upon his glory. Holism Haus does not to delve into spirituality to the point of conversion, or condemnation. Simply allowing one to be immersed in sound frequencies that are good for you. Helping you change the cellular structure of your tissues to produce harmony within oneself.

Common Misconceptions - DEBUNKED

Misconception: Sound healing doesn't work.

Straight Facts:  Sound healing works for your physical body, emotions, and biofield. It has been PROVEN that sound healing reduces blood pressure, aids in digestion, mental disturbances, induce sleep, increase mood, relax children on the autistic spectrum, and improve cognitive function. I refer to the National Library of Medicine for research. I believe it is a good space to begin learning.

Misconception: It's demonic, voodoo, hoodoo, and woo-woo

Straight Facts: Sound healing is alternative medicine. Each frequency interacts with your brain waves and molecules to induce healing. There are so many benefits of sound on our bodies that are good and bad. Think about the hustle and bustle of city life and the frequencies we are impacted with. Cell towers, microwaves, TV, bluetooth many waves (frequencies) we aren't even aware of the effects it has on our bodies, especially with extreme exposure. Brain waves are small electrical currents that reflect brain activity and are categorized by their frequency and amplitude. The most common brain waves are named using Greek numerals based on their frequency range in Hertz (Hz):

  • Delta

 0.5–4 Hz, these waves are associated with deep sleep, where you're not dreaming. They can help improve your immune system and reduce stress levels.

  • Theta

4–7 Hz, these waves are associated with deep relaxation and creativity. They often occur during REM sleep, when you dream, and are most common in children.

  • Alpha

8–12 Hz, these waves are associated with relaxation, such as when you're sleeping or daydreaming, or when you close your eyes and become calm and introspective. They also mark a creative zone and are what you're in before falling asleep.

  • Beta

13–30 Hz, these waves are associated with activity, concentration, stress, and psychological tension. They replace alpha waves when you pay attention to tasks or stimuli.

  • Gamma

These waves are associated with heightened awareness and insight, such as when you solve a crossword puzzle or bite into delicious food. The brain produces more gamma waves when you're engaged and focused, which can help you stay alert and increase concentration. 

Misconception: Playing with water inside if good for your instruments.

Straight Facts: Water holds memory so I can understand the reason behind wanting to see the cymatic patterns, however- DON'T use your bowls with water. Remember that the bowls are instruments and playing them with water inside could re-tune them. Once they are out of tune, good-bye sound harmony. Go ahead and get you a new one.

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7 Main Chakras & Their Impact on the Mind, Body & Soul
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This concept was introduced by psychologist Abraham Maslow. The pyramid serves as a roadmap for understanding what drives human behavior and fulfillment. As it relates to trauma, and the mind, one's needs must be met physiologically first to regulate and move your body into a "safe" state, ironically the next phase of the hierarchy. The Pyramid of Human Needs: Physiological Needs: At the base of the pyramid lie our most fundamental needs—food, water, shelter, and sleep. These primal requirements must be met for survival and form the foundation upon which all other needs build. Safety Needs: Once our physiological needs are reasonably fulfilled, we seek safety and security. This encompasses personal security, financial stability, health, and protection from physical or emotional harm. Love and Belongingness: As we move up the pyramid, our focus shifts to social needs—affection, relationships, friendship, and a sense of belonging within communities or social groups. Esteem: Beyond social connections, we yearn for recognition, respect, and self-worth. Esteem needs involve both external factors like status, success, and prestige, as well as internal factors like self-confidence and accomplishment.
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